Eddie Durham, trombonist, guitarist, and arranger with Count Basie's Orchestra, wrote "Topsy" in 1937. Later that year Count Basie recorded the tune and in March of 1938, "Don't You Miss Your Baby" became the A-side and "Topsy" was relegated to the B-side. Neither side was a hit.

"Topsy" (Edgar Battle - Eddie Durham) was recorded and released by Benny Goodman, as an "A" side, and the tune hit the top ten.

Drummer Cozy (William) Cozy's complete "Topsy" runs almost seven minutes, which is why it was split into two parts when released in 1958. "Topsy Part 2" peaked at number three. Cozy Cole played with Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot Peppers, Louis Armstrong's All Stars and Cab Calloway.