A dry day with a promise of sunshine greeted me when I rose.So walk or work was the question.I decided on work because the back grass really needed tackling. A leisurely breakfast watching the birds first then a catch up on the news reader before I started.
As I began to get the tools out my assistant gardener Sooty took a great deal of interest as always and followed me outside.He walking alongside me as I checked for any objects lying in the grass that would damage the strimmer,so far so good he thought.He soon scarpered when I started the strimmer and sat as far away as possible on the wall.I strimmed half of the top section of the larger piece of grass and had a break not wanting to put too much strain on my back,I followed this by the bottom section then a break and moved on to the smaller piece which I did in one shot before a longer break was needed.
A threw together the ingredients for a lamb hotpot then returned to the garden and raked the grass up into little piles before breaking for lunch. Fortified by a meat and potato pie and peas,I filled the briar grabbed a coffee and sat on the back step for a while.
Sooty and Zazzles had appeared and were having a rare old time in the piles of grass,running through them,rolling over in them and generally causing havoc. It's nice to have help.

I set the lamb hotpot going and the I decided to go for broke and give the lawn mower a shot at the grass seeing as my back was behaving well.
I divided the job into three sections as with the strimming with breaks in between and it went well and chased the cats of course.
Job finally finished it was time for a brew and choccy biscuit before I cleaned and stored the tools.The grass still looks rough as it always does on first cut but I am pleased with the days work and up to now my back hasn't complained once.

Now it's time to put my feet up and relax I've earned it. Catch you soon.