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Publication date  /  2018   -   6 articles

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  • wild nature

    - 17 Feb 2018
    "I never saw a wild thing, sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen, dead from a bough, without ever having felt sorry for itself." D. H. Lawrence

  • Almost forgotten ....

    - 03 Mar 2018 - 2 comments
    I've just found somewhere in an old diary, an almost forgotten paper with some notes, written in 2014 .... "Sometimes it's hard to express ourselves but we have to try, at least ... however, beyond all words there is something More !!! Ode 314 Those

  • Loneliness vs Aloneness

    - 11 Sep 2018 - 3 comments
    “Man ordinarily lives in loneliness. To avoid loneliness, he creates all kinds of relationships, friendships, organizations, political parties, religions and what not. But the basic thing is that he is very much afraid of being lonely. Loneliness is a

  • about Friendship ...

    - 19 Oct 2018 - 8 comments
    Sufletul prieteniei este egalitatea. Aristotel Datorita prieteniei, cei absenti sunt de fata, cei care traiesc in lipsuri cunosc belsugul si, ceea ce e mai greu de spus, mortii traiesc. Cicero Prietenia unui om destept este mai de pret decat pritenia

  • Osho- Never ask love from people who didn't find love in their life ...

    - 27 Oct 2018
    Osho – ‘Sa nu cerem iubire unor oameni care nu au cunoscut iubirea in viata lor”. “ Iubirea care provine din minte este intotdeauna iubireura. Nu este vorba de doua cuvinte, este vorba intotdeauna de un singur cuvant ‘iubireura”; intre ele nu exista


    - 06 Dec 2018 - 3 comments
    If I Adore You If I adore You out of fear of Hell, Burn me in Hell! If I adore you out of desire for Paradise, Lock me out of Paradise. But if I adore You for Yourself alone, Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty. Rabia al-Basri Niyaz- "Shir Ali Mardan