About @SeX #————█████████═══█

! @SeX #─────██████████════█

• the 6REATest streetART quantity
1993 - (before SpaceInvaders + Banksy)

• open source source APP short-CUTr.tk
→URLs/pathes →T€XT →macros OPTION→ file/folder/reg

• invention keySstroke
shortcuts = +110 or +150 keyboard shortcuts which you can trigger with
one finger

• TRICK to shorten urls with 3 steps less

• TOOLBAR shortCUTs →type X →type X + ENTER →[WIN] + X →click
"»" + X

my name
SeX -_-█════███████████─────.4rtist.com

Translate into English

Place of residence: Berlin, Germany

I am currently here: