Group: " 100 % Monuments historiques célèbres "

Arles - Amphitheater

Das Schloss des Bischofmörders - The bishop murder…

A Fence for Friday

Basilique Saint Mathurin, Larchant

Arles: Le clocher roman de la Cathedrale Saint-Tro…

Talking Stones: Arles - Amphitheater

A Fence for Friday

Le Château de Tarascon

Foro Traiano - Roma

Inside Sagrada Familia (2)

Blick in einen imaginären Himmel - View into an im…

Inside Sagrada Familia

Frankfurt - Junior House

Sun Lamp in Casa Batllo designed by Gaudi

Kloster Amorbach - Abteikirche

Miltenberg/Main - St. Jakobus

Grand Jami Mosque in Harar

Fragment of the facade of Saint George, Lalibela

Church of Saint George, Lalibela

The Castle of Freudenberg/Main

A Fence for Friday

una finestra sul mare

The ceiling of Debre Berhan Selassie Church, Gonda…

9 1154

Basilique Notre-Dame de la Paix, Yamoussoukro

Cathédrale Saint-Paul d’Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Iv…

Fasil Ghebbi (Royal Enclosure) in Gondar

Ich saz ûf eime steine ... (Walther von der Vogelw…