Group: " A disrepair - photography "

... grosse fatigue ...

my old saab 96 in his last days

Schiffswracks von Camaret

Letzte Ruhestätte

Letzter Liegeplatz

the black hole

Es ist angerichtet: Kabelsalat an gelber Tünche

suite urbex

Marcel tu as bien rangé le tracteur ?

These are parked in Clinton, British Columbia.

everybody get in and let's enjoy our weekend foray

Somewhere around Cahors

Made in Yugoslavia

fast and furious.....and blind

Industry of Machinery and Tractors

Ne porter pas un jugement hâtif , il n'a pas fait…

Rusty Dinosaurs

Thinking Back

Notbremse im Postwagen

...porte impression...

...die Fahrt ist beendet - the ride is over...