Group: COLD

Natural heater

Feldkirch Österreich

the Mónch--look very carefully and you wil see on…

winter beauty

Am Abgrund

Close to Spring the Winter cold goes on

Boccadasse : rarissima nevicata piuttosto abbondan…

Boccadasse : nevica sul mare

il monte Chaberton

It's all about sweetness

view to Bleijerheide ¤ NL ¤ Merkstein & Alsdorf ¤…

Col Basset : a 2600 mt. contro luce e contro vento

Snow covered chimney.

On the way.

Sauze d'Oulx : ecco il gran freddo di gennaio

Un tramonto dorato sulla poca neve di gennaio - sc…

Fenced. The snow makes the world b/w


Cold to shiver.

Eis-Stau im Auerbach

Along the creek.

Dünserberg Österreich

Obro els ulls de l'hivern

हर अंत एक नई शुरुआत लाता है।.

Sense alçar la veu

When the sky is blue.