Group: Birds of a feather

Tree Swallow at Rondeau Provincial Park

Turkey Vultures, Day 2, Rondeau Provincial Park

Mountain Bluebird male

Mountain Bluebird male

Brewer's Blackbird female

Tiny spider with a death wish

Mountain Bluebird with wildflower bokeh

Gathering insects for her babies

Grèbe huppée, femelle couvant

Feeding his babies

Mr. and Mrs. Mountain Bluebird

Cedar Waxwing / Bombycilla cedrorum

Purple Martin in its gourd nest box

Purple Martin, Ellis Bird Farm, Alberta

... senti piccione, quello che ti dico - vola dal…

Roadside Box.

Fledgling Cedar Waxwing 3


Pie grièche avec un gloméris

Swainson's Hawk take-off

Sous le charme de cette pie grièche femelle

Uomini a Roma [ 2 ]

High In the Branches.

juvénile de tadorne de Belon