Group: Sun - Moon and Stars

Casper The Friendly Ghost M78

Horse Head B33 & Flame NGC2024 Nebula

Dolphin Head Nebula SH2-308

Christmas Moon (view on black)

Large Magellanic Cloud and surrounding area.

Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard (view on black)

211213 Caux Lune

Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard (view on black)

Comet C/2021 A1 Leonard (view on black)

Planets and Moon the last of the conjunction

Final shot of the conjunction.

night three of the conjunction

Milchstrasse vom Furkajoch 1761m

Small Magellanic Cloud & 47 Tucanae.

Our nearest neighbour

Täuschungsmanöver :)

Partial Lunar Eclipse November 19, 2021

Trantula Nebula Astro Fest 2021 13th November

Der Mond heute Abend

NGC1381 & mixed Bag.

Last Light Bow.

Guilderton Light house two up.

Hafen unterm Sternenzelt - HFF

Bonne soirée et bon mardi à vous *********❤️❤️

47 Tucanae NGC104

Sculptor Galxay NGC253