Group: Churches, Chapels and Monasteries

San Francisco

1 4

St George's Day


Drammen, Strømsgodset Kirke

Basilica of Mafra's Convent (18th century).

Royal Building of Mafra (18th century).

Wells - Cathedral

Glastonbury - Abbey

Fountains Abbey: Entrance to the Knave

Une église qui a de l'allure...

Notre Dame Saint-Joseph

Salisbury - Cathedral

Salisbury - Cathedral

Boitzenburg - Klosterruine (2)

Église de Toulon la Montagne commune de Vert Toulo…

The West Front,

Cacela Velha, HWW

Fliegender Engel in der St.-Marien-Kirche zu Stral…

Boitzenburg - Klosterruine (1)

Breamore - St Mary

Fountains Abbey, N. Yorkshire

Cacela Velha

Црква Ружица (detail)

Corpus Christi Church Maiden Lane

Holy Trinity Church, 2014

Cacela Velha, HBM

Cacela Velha, HBM

St Mary the Virgin