Group: Lluvia / Rain / Pluie

Schlecht gelaunt (PiP)

Teufelsberg aktuell

in the rain

Diese Tropfen haben auch immer was Magisches :))…

A fantastic view from above of Kutaisi

Es regnet...

Oslo : Parco Vigeland sotto la pioggia

not the best day for a sit

Ryanair hebt von regennasser Startbahn ab

Nuages pip

fenced fog

finalmente pioggia

rainy fence

sognando la pioggia

Hot Green House in Venice

Malgré Tout - Jordi Lafebre

View from the driver's window

occhieggiando tra la nebbia

en revent la pluie ;-)

On the way to Trollfjord.

Happy Wet Flower Saturday ; ))

in bilico !

verrà il sole