Group: From the source to the estuary - Von der Quelle bis zur Mündung

HBM - und immer schön über der Hochwassergrenze bl…

Venezuela, On the Way to the Angel Falls upstream…

HFF au Fort Chambly

Alfred Kleemann "Tanzende Mädchen"

Kurparkfontäne in Bad Bevensen

At Lake Karapiro.

34/50 grande aigrette-great egret

Venezuela, Waterfall on the Right Nameless Tributa…

Sweet dreams

take the bull by the horns

Klamath Wildlife Refuge

back from the other side

Venezuela, Upstream at High Speed along the River…

Bangkok, Khlongs 14. ©UdoSm

Bangkok, Khlongs 11. ©UdoSm

Looking down on seat by river

Bangkok, Khlongs 8. ©UdoSm

Venezuela, On the Way to the Angel Falls upstream…

Sommer bei Bad Bevensen

Bangkok, Khlongs 7. ©UdoSm

Bangkok, Khlongs 5. ©UdoSm

Bangkok, Khlongs 1. ©UdoSm

Venezuela, On the Way to the Angel Falls, Here it…

Ein Sommerabend in Frankfurt

29/50 grande aigrette-great egret

Autobahnbrücke über die Rhone bei Saint Maurice VS