Group: CWP - Contest Without Prize

Reaching High

Fallen Comrade.

Blue Sky

#43 - Camellia - Contest Without Prize - CWP

Porcelain and Polished Pipes

'Napery' in Drammen. Norway

Birds on a frozen birch


Valkosaari Helsinki

Schnee-Eule - Bubo scandiacus

Bianco su bianco

HFF - Weiße Häuser

Ethiopia, Lalibela, The Sunday Mass at Bete Medhan…

Crisantemi bianchi

Schlittenhunde unterwegs

A white day in January

Frosted tiles

Splash Shooting.....

Un alito di vento

#24 - Pavone - Contest Without Prize - CWP

Misty Start to the day

Hare in winter

White arrow. (Great white egret)