Beautiful blue sky and just a small breeze

A little visitor and a quick trip to the beach

27 Sep 2015

70 visits

Beautiful blue sky and just a small breeze

27 Sep 2015

62 visits

The tide was coming in

27 Sep 2015

95 visits

Off to explore rock pools

27 Sep 2015

69 visits

Quite busy for the time of year

27 Sep 2015

1 favorite

90 visits

One wet dog having had a lovely swim

27 Sep 2015

83 visits

Pippin and Boo enjoying the sun

27 Sep 2015

1 favorite

89 visits

Boo is turning brown

26 Sep 2015


96 visits

Then it visited my laptop

26 Sep 2015

1 favorite

1 comment

86 visits

A visitor to the mantlepiece

11 items in total