Saint-Antoine Church


Folder: France

Eurostar at Gare du Nord, Paris

Old Compiegne

St. Germain church

One of several markets in Compiegne

Ter train in Compiegne

Imperial palace in Compiegne - the home of two Nap…

Sunset on the Oise

05 Mar 2010 156
Taken from the catwalk over the dam and lock in Compiegne

Sunset on Oise

05 Mar 2010 188
Taken from the catwalk over the dam and lock in Compiegne

Sunset on the Oise

05 Mar 2010 163
Taken from the catwalk over the dam and lock in Compiegne

Dam and lock #1 in the background on the Oise in C…

2010-03-16 18.17.16

2010-03-16 18.17.29

Camels from the Cirque de Bercy

Camels from the Cirque de Bercy

IMG 2185

Fête Jeanne d'Arc

22 May 2010 88
Joan of Arc was captured in front of the walls of Compiègne in 1430, while defending the city from the aglo-burgundian forces. Every year since 1909, in the last week of May the city remembers this French national heroine.

Fête Jeanne d'Arc

22 May 2010 91
Joan of Arc was captured in front of the walls of Compiègne in 1430, while defending the city from the aglo-burgundian forces. Every year since 1909, in the last week of May the city remembers this French national heroine.

427 items in total