Hervé S.'s photos

fleurs de cerisier, glycine

03 Apr 2020 8 2 133
In fact I don't really understand the strong blue gradient in the sky... Maybe some halo due to the sun?

fleur de prunier, version jpeg...

fleur de prunier

Christian Boltanski

16 Nov 2019 8 157
Currently in Centre Pompidou, Paris Disappointing, honestly, although some save the lot. Went there because of fossil memories of 1985 expo 'Les Immatériaux' where incredibly all internet networking from today was actually played, between dozen authors, what, ten years before the word 'internet' appeared outside USA...

reflet, parking, nuit

"Le Manège carré"

flamand rose mécanique

fourchette mécanisée

vieille façade, Toulouse

almost night -presque la nuit

11 Oct 2019 2 126
et les panaches secs se voient toujours

eucalyptus tortueux

'la strada'

1205 items in total