Coffee from a Soup Bowl


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29 Sep 2017

89 visits

Coffee from a Soup Bowl

I couldn't help but be impressed with the size of this coffee cup. That's the size of the cup one would expect if he ordered hot chicken soup. (Butterbeans Restaurant, Easley, SC, US)

24 Aug 2017

45 visits

Jasmine says "hey!"

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12 Sep 2017

72 visits

She seems to think I just bought her a newfangled tree to climb.

Of all the tall trees I have in my yard, any of which would hit the house or cars if they fell, this is the only tree that was toppled. It's one of the shortest trees here. We had some ferocious winds and rain, and this toppled tree and internet out for three days was my only problem. Many people nearby have major property damage, and some are being told that they may not have electricity until next week. All in all, I'd say I've been blessed! My cats love their new treehouse and will probably be upset when I have it hauled away.

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30 Aug 2017

36 visits


Taco Bell, Clemson, SC.