You'll always find runners here

A few scenes from Athens, Ohio

13 Sep 2017

28 visits

You'll always find runners here

The Hockhocking Adena Bikeway also serves as a good practice area for distance runners, who hit the bike path early in the new school year and keep using it, in groups and individually, year round.

13 Sep 2017

41 visits

There's greenery almost year round

29 Sep 2017

57 visits

Dad and son, fishing on the Hocking River

17 Oct 2017

35 visits

Studying at Punchcard Park

19 Apr 2018

39 visits

Working on an art project

As seen from the escalator in Baker Center, art students picked an out-of-the-way carpeted spot to work together on assignments.

02 May 2018

56 visits

Posing for a graduation picture

05 May 2018

25 visits

An on-campus reflection

23 Mar 2018

43 visits

Big atria are an architectural trend

This is Ohio University's Grover Center.