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04 Nov 2009 17 28 1340
photographed by "Wellcome Images" ................................................................. The head is the garret of the building you live in is there the body keeps space for the memories. /// La tête c'est la mansarde du bâtiment où tu vives c'est là que le corps garde espace pour les mémoires. /// A cabeça é a mansarda do edifício onde moras é lá que o corpo guarda espaço para as memórias. by Armando TABORDA, in "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitària Editora, 2000 (photo 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016)

Blood's Coagulum with Leucocyte

10 Nov 2009 26 47 3964
photographed by "Wellcome Images" ................................................................. If death was the continuation of life, the doubt and mystery would not be necessary. /// Si la mort était la continuation de la vie, le doute et le mystère ne seraient pas nécéssaires. /// Se a morte fosse a continuação da vida, desnecessários seriam a dúvida e o mistério. by Armando TABORDA, in "Palavras, Músicas e Blasfémias que Envelheço na Cidade", Universitária Editora, 2000 (post 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2020)

Human Embryo 6 Days Old

12 Nov 2009 18 28 1394
photographed by "Wellcome Images" ................................................................. Since the very beginning I kept memories of life. Afterwards I decided the essential of the flower is the fragrance remaining as remembrance of the soul. Now I keep memories of soul. /// Au début j'ai gardé mémoires de la vie. Après ça j'ai décidé que l'essentiel de la fleur c'est le parfum qui reste réminiscence de l'âme. Maintenant je garde mémoires de l'âme. /// No começo guardei memórias da vida. Depois concluí que o essencial da flor é o aroma que fica reminiscência da alma. E passei a guardar memórias da alma. by Armando TABORDA, In "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitária Editora, 2000 (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2017)

Amazing Lunch

16 Nov 2009 19 26 1491
Survive in the amazing imobility of this lunch where adventure has no place at table. /// Survivre dans l'hallucinant immobilité de ce déjeuner où l'aventure n'a pas place à la table. /// Sobreviver na alucinante imobilidade deste almoço onde a aventura não tem lugar à mesa. by Armando TABORDA, in "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO", Ceres Editora, 1994 (photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA) (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2018)

You Can't Depend on Your Family

04 Dec 2009 19 30 2277
......................................................... You can't depend on your family You can't depend on your friends You can't depend on a beginning You can't depend on an end You can't depend on intelligence You can't depend on God You can only depend on one thing You need a busload of faith to get by ............................................................. Extract from the poem "Busload of Faith", in "Pass Thru Fire, The Collected Lyrics", by LOU REED (photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA) (photo 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016)

Alive Surface

15 Dec 2009 15 20 913
photography taken from Internet ........................................................ The truth of life is on the surface, the philosophy add nothing to it, neither ad hoc sciences or high technology. /// La vérité de la vie est à la surface, la philosophie ne l'ajoute rien, ni les sciences ad hoc ou la haute technologie. /// La verdad de la vida está a la superfície, la filosofia nada le añade, las ciências aplicadas y la alta tecnologia tampoco. /// A verdade da vida está à superfície, a filosofia nada lhe acrescenta, as ciências aplicadas e a alta tecnologia também não. by Armando TABORDA, in "SONHOGRAFIAS", Universitária Editora, 2000 (versión en castellano por Manuel de Diego Flores) (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2017)

Christmas Time

21 Dec 2009 17 15 1865
.......................................................... This is no time to swallow anger This is no time to ignore hate This is no time be acting frivolous Because the time is getting late This is no time for private vendettas This is no time to not know who you are Self-knowledge is a dangerous thing The freedom of who you are This is no time to ignore warnings This is no time to clear the plate Let's not be sorry after the fact And let the past become our fate There is no time ......................................................... Extract from the poem "There Is No Time", in "Pass Thru Fire, The Collected Lyrics", by LOU REED (1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2016)

Madeira Island (4)

25 Mar 2010 11 12 924
in 1984 ............ I wave on a sea of wind right now it's a dream I navigate night within. /// J'ondule en mer de vent juste maintenant c'est le rêve qui je navigue la nuit dedans. /// Ondulo em mar de vento agora mesmo no sonho que navego noite dentro. by Armando TABORDA, in "MANUAL DO DESPERDÍCIO", Ceres Editora, 1994 (photo 1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2016)

I Love Women

28 Mar 2010 17 21 1042
photographed by Fernanda Moutinho; edited by Armando Taborda ...................................................................................................................... from left to right: Rafaela, Susana, Patrícia ........................................................................... I love women I think they're great They are a solace to a world in a terrible state They're a blessing to the eyes A balm to the soul What a nightmare to have no women in the world I used to look at women in the magazines I know that it was sexist but I was in my teens I was very bitter, all my sex was in the sly I couldn't keep my hands off women And I won't till I die A woman's love can lift you up and women can inspire I feel like buying flowers and hiring a celestial choir A choir of castratis to serenate my love They'd sing a little Back for us and then we'd make love I love women We all love women WE LOVE WOMEN by Lou REED, in "PASS THRU FIRE", The Collected Lyrics, The Blue Mask (photo 1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2016)

I Shall Be Released

02 Apr 2010 15 35 1482
photographed by Filomena Sá Pinto (mena) ............................................................................. They say ev'rything can be replaced Yet ev'ry distance is not near So I remember ev'ry face Of ev'ry man who put me here I see my light come shinning From the west unto the east Any day now, any day now I shall be released They say ev'ry man needs protection They say ev'ry man must fall Yet I swear I see my reflection Some place so high above this wall I see my light come shinning From the west unto the east Any day now, any day now I shall be released Standing next to me in this lonely crowd Is a man who swears he's not to blame All day long I hear him shout so loud Crying out that he was framed I see my light come shinning From the west unto the east Any day now, any day now I shall be released by BOB DYLAN, in Lyrics 1962-2001 (photo 1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2016)

A-dos-Ruivos, "to be in the turning of the worlds…

23 May 2010 4 4 868
"To live a dispassionate, cultured life beneath the dewfall of ideas, reading, dreaming and thinking about writing, a life slow enough to be always just on the edge of tedium, but considered enough not to slip into it. To live a life from emotions and thoughts, enjoying only the thought of emotions and the emotion of thoughts. To stagnate, golden, in the sun like a dark lake surrounded by flowers. To entertain in the shadows that noble individuality of mind that consists in not expecting anything from life. To be in the turning of the worlds like the dust of flowers that an unknown wind lifts through the evening air, and that the torpor of nightfall lets fall randomly, to lie unnoticed amongst larger things. To be all this with an assured knowledge, neither happy nor sad, grateful to the sun for its brilliance and to the stars for their distance. To be nothing more, to have nothing more, to want nothing more...The music of the hungry man, the song of the blind man, the rellic of the unknown traveller, the footsteps in the desert of the empty camel with nowhere to go..." by Fernando Pessoa, in "The Book of Disquiet"

Appointment of Poets

13 Jul 2010 27 47 1918
at the Restaurant Santo António de Alfama, Lisboa, July 13, 2010 .................................................................................................................... « DÉDICACE: Pour Armando Taborda, avec toute mon admiration et mon amitié » le matin elle restait assise laissant une trace sourde ne pas parler de soi Il était plus facile de marcher dans mon propre déséquilibre de voler là Où Toute la poussière danse sans modèle J'irai jusqu'à faire semblant d'amour, quelque chose un sourire en attendant Elle a repris ses mots qu'elle menaçait de réduire à une simple projection. by LOSILUE, poème collage, le 13 juillet 2010 à Lisbonne (l'auteur, premier plan, à doite) (post 1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2020)

Lionel Deyna et Moi

14 Jul 2010 27 42 1787
à Lisbonne, Alfama, devant Le Musée du Fado ................................................................................... Pour Lionel Deyna Oiseaux Cartésiens entourent grosses idées à l'hauteur qu'ils dominent petits rêves peurs utopies comme projets d'âme. Oiseux mammifères attaquent en cercle au crépuscule en suite ils songent nuit pendus en cavernes où le soleil n'a pas d'accès. Voix rasants imprévues poétiques s'enfuient du chaleur de la chasse attendent que le refroidissement des ailes assure la vitalité du vol. by Armando TABORDA, 2010 (traduction de Maria da Nazaré), in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 (versão original em Português) (post 1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2020)


07 Sep 2010 5 5 794
In the afternoon lock waters come up leading towards night's mystery. In the morning lock waters come down re-leading to the starting point. /// Dans l´écluse de l'après-midi montent les eaux qui conduisent au mystère de la nuit. Dans l'écluse du matin eaux descendues reconduisent au point de départ. /// Na eclusa da tarde sobem as águas que conduzem ao mistério da noite. Na eclusa da manhã descem as águas que reconduzem ao ponto de partida. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 (photo taken from Internet; edited by Amando TABORDA) (1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2017)

Jonathan Franzen, Great American Novelist (born 19…

15 Sep 2010 2 2 639
photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando Taborda ................................................................................................ "To me, now, to do something new is not to develop a form for the novel that has never been seen on earth before. It means to try to come to terms as a person and a citizen with what's happening in the world now and to do it in some comprehensible, coherent way." # "The place of stillness that you have to go to to write, but also to read seriously, is the point where you can actually make responsible decisions, where you can actually engage productively with an otherwise scary and unmanageable world." quotations from a recent Jonathan Franzen's interview


31 Aug 2010 338
photography taken from Internet; edited by Armando Taborda ............................................................................................................ "It seemed to me, that if we were going to be elevating freedom to the defining principle of what we're about as a culture and a nation, we ought to take a careful look at what freedom in practice brings." # "One of the ways of surrendering freedom is to actually have convictions. And a way of further surrendering freedom is to spend quite a bit of time acting on those convictions." quotations from a recent Jonathan Franzen's interview


06 Jan 2011 17 28 1040
There will be Someone beyond the absurd and monotonous virtual blue where the voice of my fado fades away without being heard? /// Il y aura Quelqu'un au-delà du bleu virtuel absurde et monotone où la voix de mon fado disparaître sans se faire écouter? /// Haverá Alguém para lá do azul virtual absurdo e monótono onde se extingue a voz do meu fado sem se fazer ouvir? by Armando TABORDA, 2011 (photo taken from Internet; edited by Armando TABORDA) (photo 1st edition, 2011; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2019))

Threshold (16)

07 Dec 2010 11 21 898
At the threshold of light and silence my voice seated on a park bench waits for a body to put her vibrating a melody a monologue a lament strident nightfall over the streets of the city. /// No limiar da luz e do silêncio minha voz sentada no banco do jardim espera um corpo que a faça vibrar melodia monólogo lamento fim de tarde estridente nas ruas da cidade. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 (1st edition, 2011; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2017)

985 items in total