0014 Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth [Swift])

Cornwall Moths: Small Macro Families 1

Folder: Moths in Cornwall UK
Macro Moths in the smaller families that we've recorded here in Cornwall, covering: Hepialidae (Swifts), Zygaenidae (Burnets), Lasiocampidae (Eggars), Saturniidae (Emperors), Drepanidae (Hook-tips), Thyatiridae (Blossoms & Lutestrings). Number References at the beginning of the titles are from the UK Bradley 2000 List of Lepidoptera.

22 Apr 2011

1 favorite

176 visits

1643 Saturnia pavonia (Emperor Moths)

The adults of this species are beautifully marked, and the orange hind-winged males fly in sunlight searching out the newly emerged females using their sensitive antennae to detect the female's pheramones. They can be detected up to 3Km from the source, and any virgin female is quickly found and mated. After coupling, the females fly through the night to lay their eggs across the moorland that they frequent.

31 Mar 2014

108 visits

1645 Falcaria lacertinaria (Scalloped Hook-tip)

31 Mar 2014

115 visits

1647 Watsonalla cultraria (Barred Hook-tip)

28 Oct 2013

139 visits

1648 Drepana falcataria (Pebble Hook-tip)

A woodland species, it is often seen when recording the moth species in the Summer months. Although one would think that, from their basic structure, they belong to the Geometrid family of species, the Hook-tips are placed in their own family of Drepanidae.

31 Mar 2014

125 visits

1651 Cilix glaucata (Chinese Character)

31 Mar 2014

118 visits

1652 Thyatira batis (Peach Blossom)

17 Oct 2013

233 visits

1653 Habrosyne pyritoides (Buff Arches)

This pretty moth is a common Summer species in the UK.

31 Mar 2014

117 visits

1654 Tethea ocularis octogesimea (Figure of Eighty)

31 Mar 2014

170 visits

1657 Ochropacha duplaris (Common Lutestring)

29 items in total