qwurky's photos

Classic nude left index-finger shot!

Across the street from me in Barcelona

09 Mar 2012 278
This was a few moments after they put a cross up on the building in the distance so it would look like a cathedral.


Bigfoots got big grabbers!

Fight the impulse! GO!

In my cell, high above Barcelona!

Doing what I do best!

Pink toenails and glossy knees! Yummy!

25 Dec 2012 5 3 5206
Although bus tickets now cost a fortune, if you truly appreciate pink toenails, that fortune seems seems really cheap!

Dramatic, sexually-explicit study!

25 Dec 2012 453
If you feel yourself becoming short of breath now, think deeply on the tranquility of noodles in captivity!

homage to the hero of tourists everywhere!

25 Dec 2012 1 624
Remember what he always said: The bronze foot feels no blisters!

Aspiring photo models in practice session!

08 Dec 2012 2 1 566
They're practicing making shadows -- which harms nobody and is free!

Ready for overeating!

08 Dec 2012 2 431
The one on the left swore he wouldn't be caught dead at the holiday feast! He was wrong.

Morning is meditation-time!

01 Oct 2012 2 1 448
Note superb bench utilization!

Megalocephaly -- or just little teeny feet?

Pink toenails and glossy knees! Yummy!

15 Aug 2012 1 1 339
OK, so his knees don't have the shine they earlier this morning - but hidden within his Crocs, those toenails are GLEAMING!

Neat-freak's castle!

17 Aug 2012 1 2 470
You wouldn't believe how much time I spend organizing my flat/piso/apartment!

98 items in total