Former BNS Factory, Mamhilad, Pontypool 19 August 2017


Industry past and present.

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19 Aug 2017

348 visits

Former BNS Factory, Mamhilad, Pontypool 19 August 2017

Sheep happily grazing above the landscape which includes the former British Nylon Spinners factory at Mamhilad. To the right of the frame, the new agricultural crop, sunlight - one of an increasing number of solar farms springing up. This image highlights the very rural setting of the factory below The Folly. It was opened in 1948 and at the time, boasted the largest factory floor in Europe. It ceased production in 1988. Now it accommodates various light industry units and leased office accommodation.

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23 Aug 2017

309 visits

Watton Limekilns, Monmouthshire-Brecon Canal, Brecon 23 August 2017

Artist's impression of the limekilns at Watton in the 1850s. The first four limekilns at Watton are known to have existed in 1802/7 and subsequently more were added over the years. They were at their heyday in the 1830s. Until recent years they had become overgrown and decayed, but a two year restoration programme has just finished. The top run of the kilns was at canal level in order for limestone and coal to be unloaded at the wharf, piled, then loaded into the kilns from the top. A lane was built behind them in order for the burnt lime to be packed into barrels and loaded on to carts.

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23 Aug 2017

392 visits

Watton Limekilns, Monmouthshire-Brecon Canal, Brecon 23 August 2017

The first four limekilns at Watton are known to have existed in 1802/7 and subsequently more were added over the years. They were at their heyday in the 1830s. Until recent years they had become overgrown and decayed, but a two year restoration programme has just finished. The top run of the kilns was at canal level in order for limestone and coal to be unloaded at the wharf, piled, then loaded into the kilns from the top. A lane was built behind them in order for the burnt lime to be packed into barrels and loaded on to carts.

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23 Aug 2017

291 visits

Watton Limekilns, Monmouthshire-Brecon Canal, Brecon 23 August 2017

The first four limekilns at Watton are known to have existed in 1802/7 and subsequently more were added over the years. They were at their heyday in the 1830s. Until recent years they had become overgrown and decayed, but a two year restoration programme has just finished. The top run of the kilns was at canal level in order for limestone and coal to be unloaded at the wharf, piled, then loaded into the kilns from the top. A lane was built behind them in order for the burnt lime to be packed into barrels and loaded on to carts.