The Sealtest Food Advisor, Lent 1939

The Sealtest Food Advisor

The finest in bland, butterfat goodness from the 1930s & 40s, brought to you by Sealtest!

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13 Feb 2011

127 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor, Lent 1939

Cottage cheese: reliably scary as the centuries roll by. Front and back covers from a promotional published by Sealtest, Inc.

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13 Feb 2011

180 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor (2), Lent 1939

These people clearly had better taste in architecture than in food. ("Asparagus Cheese Loaf": American cheese + asparagus + pimento = the stuff of nightmares.)

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13 Feb 2011

147 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor (3), Lent 1939

A diet of gigantic omelets (also Codfish Timbales, Cottage Cheese Rice Patties, and Bean & Cheese Croquettes) appears to have de-aged Mother and Dad. The sons hide their amusement with some help from the milk glasses.

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13 Feb 2011

137 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor (4), Lent 1939

I'm happy to report that not everything here contains cottage cheese. Just the finger sandwiches.

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13 Feb 2011

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145 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor (5), Lent 1939

Please don't leave your seats before John-Boy Walton's nutritional lecture is over. Those who forget their manners won't get any Rainbow Pie.

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23 Apr 2011

1 favorite

150 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor, Spring 1937

Peas and... whipped cream. Okay. Front and back covers of a promotional published by Sealtest, Inc.

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23 Apr 2011

1 favorite

132 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor (2), Spring 1937

"LIver and lima beans inside a milky heart will prove to the family how much I love them!"

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23 Apr 2011

122 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor (3), Spring 1937

Make a pancake from cornmeal, add lots of cottage cheese and dump on some canned tomatoes, and you get-- Enchiladas, Ladies and Gentleman. No, [snerk] really!

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23 Apr 2011

1 favorite

154 visits

The Sealtest Food Advisor (4), Spring 1937

Lack of color is a real problem here. At first I thought the custard was just some decorated grapefruit halves stuffed in fancy dessert cups. As for the "salad" on the left-- er, never mind.
27 items in total