Annemarie's photos

Palm silhuettes.

26 Feb 2023 41 27 214
Wish you a nice day:)

Growing high.

26 Feb 2023 18 7 154
The courtyard was embellished with a remarkable variety of plants: the well-known botanist from Pavia, Pietro Romualdo Pirotta (1853-1936), was responsible for introducing the four species of palms, including those that still stand in the central flowerbed, among the highest in Rome.

Sitting in the garden.

26 Feb 2023 34 26 158
Wish you a nice week ahead HBM ******************************** The cortile (courtyard) of the fifteenth-century Palazzo Venezia was transformed into a garden during the nineteenth century. Perhaps under the influence of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna – the building was then the seat of the Austrian Embassy – it was embellished with a remarkable variety of plants.

A Piazza Venezia.

29 Jan 2023 84 56 328
Peaceful Sunday all:) SYMMETRY ( for Sunday Challenge) ************************ Palazzo delle Assicurazioni Generali e Cupole gemelle.

...... in 500 giro tutta la città:).....

29 Jan 2023 68 67 307
wish you a nice Weekend. PEACE!

On the Top. 2

24 Feb 2023 58 46 221
View towards East from the terrace of the Vittoriano.

On the top.1

24 Feb 2023 46 32 207
Quadrigae and Winged Victory.

Piazza Venezia.

24 Feb 2023 30 17 163
Piazza Venezia is a central hub of Rome, in which several thoroughfares intersect, including the Via dei Fori Imperiali and the Via del Corso. It takes its name from the Palazzo Venezia, built by the Venetian Cardinal, Pietro Barbo (later Pope Paul II) alongside the church of Saint Mark, the patron saint of Venice. The equestrian statue of Victor Emmanuel II, at the architectural centre of the Vittoriano, above the Altar of the Fatherland, which is instead its symbolic centre

3 colonne.

21 Feb 2023 41 26 209
Just three graceful columns stand of this very ancient building, the Temple of Castor and Pollux (Tempio dei Dioscuri), the twins

Vittoriano (side view) & Foro romano.

24 Feb 2023 44 30 186
Una passeggiata a Roma. Wish you a peaceful day.

Mio fratello che guardi il mondo…….

07 Aug 2021 47 30 272
A tribute to the many many deads in our so magnific Mediterranean sea: at least 59 migrants, including 12 children, have died and dozens more are feared missing after their boat sank in rough seas off southern Italy, yesterday!

Panchina a Cervara.

Il bar è chiuso.

26 Feb 2023 32 19 150
wish you a peaceful week:)

Still life with Buddah head and orange vase.

26 Feb 2023 44 29 209
Wish you a serene Sunday:)

Sterlizia macro.

23 Feb 2023 16 8 155
Wish you a serene Sunday!

Dying beauty.

19 Feb 2023 73 54 265
Let's work for peace! ************************ For Fence Friday . Happy weekend. ************************** Ruins of the former village of Monterano, The Baroque fountain with a lion statue, designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

3085 items in total