Chartreuse house

Architecture Vol. 4

4th and Main

Alley, rainy day

Alley window I


14 Mar 2019 4 237
This was built after a 6.0 earthquake damaged the old courthouse in 1993. It was, technically, a doublet earthquake, two of nearly equal magnitude in quick succession. The town had $10 million in damage, mainly to old non-reinforced brick buildings. Earthquakes are not common here, and if they do happen they rarely cause damage.


An Oregon town

Old millworkers' hotel

27 Mar 2019 9 8 368
Still partially occupied, but looks close to being condemned, to me. This and another hotel were built by the mighty Weyerhaeuser Lumber Company for its employees sometime around 1929 - 1930. The mill was a short walk nearby. Then, both buildings are converted to small apartments rented by the month. A village of modest houses, now called Stewart-Lennox, built up around the hotels.

Basement windows

One afternoon

Presbyterian spire

Yellow bungalow

Stone houses

29 Apr 2019 8 6 307
Built of various local stone, including obsidian, red and black lava, and sandstone. I believe it was originally a motel, now apartments. (1930s) The second building, in back, is a geometric design of the same stones.

133 items in total