We have added a new feature for users with Standard (or Plus) Club membership.

When viewing photos with the 'small' option (where the images are all cropped to square), there is now a mouse-over effect that shows the 240 pixel image. This allows you to see a larger uncropped preview of the image before deciding to visit the photo page.

Just like the popup when you mouse-over a user's name, there is a short delay to avoid the annoyance of having a popup whenever the mouse goes over an image. The position of the popup depends on the width of your screen. If it is wide enough (and Widescreen option is ticked in Display options panel) the image is placed in the left or right margin space. For narrower screens the popup will overlap the squares.

We would also like to mention an earlier update to the front page. The page is aimed at attracting first time visitors, and is available only when you are logged out. So you may not have been aware that the slide show could be paused. The mouse-over effect has now been changed, so that instead of buttons and counter appearing in top right corner, on top of photo, it is the cursor that is changed to the recognisable pause and play icons. As well as a cleaner look, it means the user does not have to accurately click on a small button. Also, the progress counter is now always visible, beside the photographer's name at bottom right.