Picasa users, you can now upload your photos directly from Picasa to ipernity with one click!

Install the ipernity button to your Picasa that will send photos directly to your ipernity space.

Here's how to install the ipernity button.

Picasa must be installed onto your PC. Got Picasa?

1. Go to the upload page and click this link

2. Click yes when asked if you want to install a button:

3. Add the ipernity button to the Picasa button bar.

To upload photos from your Picasa to ipernity

1. Push the ipernity button at the bottom to log into ipernity. Then close the popup window.

2. From Picasa, choose the photos to be uploaded, selecting a whole folder or CTRL-clicking items one-by-one

3. Push again the ipernity button. You'll be asked sharing, album and tags settings

4. At last, click the "upload to ipernity" button.

That's all. So simple ;-)

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