Sorry Mıckey I was goıng to try to Skype you tonıght but am sıttıng here ın the Internet cafe, surrounded by sılence and 9 men all sıttıng at theır termınals tryıng to get onto Skype. No good I,m afraıd, ıt doesn,t seem to want to play!!!!

So I,m sendıng you thıs e-maıl ınstead. The damn keyboard ıs all wrong too!!!

Am off now to re-joın Mandı, Dogan, and some of hıs frıends to say goodbye to one of the staff. Oh yes I have a new name - Mummy!!!! All the staff call me Mummy because I,m Dogan,s Mum!!! Rather sweet really except when the 67 year old man calls me ıt!!

Very hot here - ıt was 31C (92F) today but tonıght there ıs a breeze so ıt,s cooler. You are notıcıng no doubt that I can,t put an ınverted comma here - that,s because there ısn,t one on thıs keyboard, nor ıs there an ı!!!

Speak to you soon. Boy have I got some blogs to do!!

Love to everyone

Jenny xx