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Publication date  /  2022  /  February   -   5 articles

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  • Kant - A biography ~ Manfred Kuehn

    - 02 Feb 2022
    . . . Kant believed that it is in our fortieth year that we finally acquire a character No one who in his way of thinking is conscious of having character can have such character by nature. Rather, it must always be acquired. We may also assume that the

  • "Kant ~ A Biography"

    - 12 Feb 2022
    . . .(1) The “beautiful is what pleases in the mere estimate formed of it (consequently not by the intervention of any feeling of sense in accordance with a concept of the understanding.) From this it follows immediately that it must please from all

  • Kant - A biography ~ Manfred Kuehn

    - 14 Feb 2022
    Still later, Kant tried to fix the argument by introducing language first used by Fichte The subject constitutes itself as a subject. Kant now argues that we can be aware of being moved only insofar as we move

  • Kepler

    - 28 Feb 2022
    ’Harmony’ was, for Kepler, the key to the understanding of ‘life, the universe and everything.’ In 1611, before the invention of the microscope he wrote a paper about snowflakes. Transferring his attention from the

  • An Excerpt

    - 28 Feb 2022
    Beware of the Pigeon League’. The warning came from Galileo’s closest friend in the city, the artist Lodovico Cardi (known as Cigoli) w;ho was currently working on a remarkable fresco on the dome of Santa Maria Maggiore. It