That irritate the cr4p out of me. Yesterday I walked down to the car park in work, which is almost empty, only to find someone blocking me in. What the hell? I got into my car, put it into reverse and started to slowly back out of my parking space before the moron in the white van decided he’d better move. If the car park was full I’d understand, but there’s barely anyone in!

In our office we have a sack for confidential waste that is first shredded, and then recycled. We also have a box for paper that is rubbish but not confidential that I then place in the recycling bin at regular intervals. Despite this, the Hot House Orchid keeps putting paper in the bin! Makes me wonder if she bothers to recycle at home…

People who like to drink tea/coffee but never, ever, fill the kettle irritate me. Maybe they think it's beneath them?

Everyone in our street parks on the same side of the road, except the milkman who thinks nothing of parking across the front of my property and dripping oil on the path outside. He makes the road narrow to pass and blocks the pavement too. Over the weekend I heard one of the neighbours having a ‘go’ at him about his parking. In the past the milkman has complained about the parking which is laughable as he lives alone, and often had 3 vehicles parked in the street. He’s now down to two, but is still annoying.

People who don’t flush irritate me. People who write on display screens, despite a sign saying not to, irritate me. People whose phone rings really loudly irritate me – my colleague’s phone, when it rings, sounds like a Formula 1 race car and is so loud it makes me jump every time, seriously! Grownups who giggle irritate me…

Man I need to get some sleep!