This is Alex Call and "867-5309/Jenny" (Alex Call - Jim Keller) in concert from the 2004 LP "Incredibly Thick". Alex is quoted on Wikipedia: "Despite all the mythology to the contrary, I actually just came up with the 'Jenny' and the telephone number and the music and all that just sitting in my backyard. There was no Jenny. I don't know where the number came from, I was just trying to write a 4-chord Rock song and it just kind of came out. This was back in 1981 when I wrote it, and I had at the time a little squirrel-powered 4-track in this industrial yard in California, and I went up there and made a tape of it. I had the guitar lick, I had the name and number, but I didn't know what the song was about. This buddy of mine, Jim Keller, who's the co-writer, was the lead guitar player in Tommy Tutone. He stopped by that afternoon and he said, 'Al, it's a girl's number on a bathroom wall,' and we had a good laugh. I said, 'That's exactly right, that's exactly what it is.'"

Tommy Tutone (lead vocalist Tommy Heath, Victor Canberry, Jim Keller and John Lyons) with John Cowsill of The Cowsills on percussion and backing vocals released "867-5309/Jenny" from the album "Tommy Tutone 2" soon peaking at number four on Billboard. Wikipedia: "Lead guitarist Jim Keller, interviewed by People in 1982, said "Jenny is a regular girl, not a hooker. Friends of mine wrote her name and number on a men's room wall at a bar. I called her on a dare, and we dated for a while. I haven't talked with her since the song became a hit, but I hear she thinks I'm a real jerk for writing it."